Castagna Formaggi

Prizes and awards

Gorgonzola DOP Strach’in bronze medal at World Cheese Award 2019
Tours - France 2019
Mondial du fromage

Silver medal with Fior di Luppolo

Tours - France 2019
Soirée dégustation le plus grande plateau des fromagers du monde

Certificate of participation

Tours - France 2017
Mondial du fromage

Silver medal with Strach’in

Tours - France 2015
Mondial du fromage

Silver medal with Erborinato di Capra

Tours - France 2015
Mondial du fromage

Bronze medal with Fontina d’ Alpeggio

Guide Internationale Des Fromagers

Associate Guilde Internationale des fromagers

Cheese of the year 2012
World Championship of quality cheeses: short – seasoned cheese category

1st place with Robiola di Roccaverano

Cheese of the year 2011
World Championship of quality cheeses: short – seasoned cheese category

1st place with Gorgonzola Piccante Gran Riserva

Oberstdorf 2007
Mountain cheese Olympics

Tometta Ossolana

Oberstdorf 2007
Mountain cheese Olympics

Taleggio DOP di Grotta

Oberstdorf 2007
Mountain cheese Olympics

Pioda Santa Maria